Pro Bono Training Institute has recently undergone an upgrade.

To access any California Self-Study CLE earned through PBTI before September 12, 2024, log in using the account associated with those CLEs and click on the MCLE Archive link in your user dashboard. All CLEs linked to your account will be listed there.

Any new CLEs you acquire will be available in the Courses tab of your user dashboard.

Learn Anywhere

At home, work, or your favorite coffee shop anytime of the day.

Expert Teachers

Learn from experienced attorneys who have handled many Pro Bono cases.

Free Self-Study CLE

Open to the public, choose what you would like to learn from our growing library at no cost.

Popular Trainings

PBTI provides free online learning to teach pro bono attorneys about a variety of practice areas affecting low-income clients. While the trainings are geared toward attorneys, all who have a passion for advocating on behalf of low-income individuals are encouraged to use this site.